The Gaza Massacre by Mairead Tuohy Duffy

25th July 2002


Lying in a morgue in Gaza

On slabs too big for their baby bodies

Lay Palestinian Boys and Girls,

Showing tiny heads of dark curls,

Eyes closed as if in sleep


In a nearby fridge lay the small body

Of Mohammed-al-Hwiti,

Four and half Summers he enjoyed

The frolics of a lively healthy child,

Today, united in death with

His three year old brother, Subhi,

Close by seven more innocents

Lay on slabs, the dastardly deed of

An Israeli missile, which ploughed

Into residential homes at midnight.

Their target, Salah Shehada

Fragments of whose body,

Lay in shreds around the death

Smelling morgue


Prime Minister Ariel Sharon smiled in victory,

Glad they hit their target, yet ignoring

The pile up of children still clothed

In their Baptismal innocence


In the land, the one time home of Jesus,

The saviour of Mankind;

Did He smile at such an appalling deed?

Did He say “Well done Ariel Sharon”,

Or did He shed tears at the awful atrocity

Which tore at the hearts of people

Through out this world of clay?

Surely Heaven contains more Justice.

One day to punish those, who deemed the

Slaughter of beautiful innocents

As an act of victory in the Gaza Strip.

No, no! Not victory, but

Murder, murder, murder…